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The fungi of mucormycosis may cause cutaneous and subcutaneous infection if a patient has a break in the skin.


Fungi involved: Mucor, Rhizopus, Absidia, Rhizomucor (Order Mucorales, Class Zygomycetes)


Risk factors for cutaneous infection:

(1) portal through skin:

(1a) skin maceration

(1b) trauma

(1c) drug injection site

(1d) catheter or tubing placement site

(1e) severe burns

(2) diabetes mellitus

(3) immunocompromised


Potential source of the fungus:

(1) environmental contamination (soil, plant material, etc.)

(2) contaminated surgical wound coverings

(3) contaminated tape used to secure tubing or wound dressings



(1) direct extension into adjacent tissues (joint, muscle, bone, etc.)

(2) necrotizing fasciitis

(3) distant fungal infections


Prompt and aggressive therapy while the disease is localized has a good prognosis. Delayed therapy or distant spread is associated with poor prognosis.


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