
A common cause of gastroenteritis around the world is norovirus.

Family: Caliciviridae

Organism: single positive-strand RNA


General features:

(1) "winter vomiting disease"

(2) causes outbreaks in crowded, semi-closed populations such as schools or cruise ships

(3) persistence on surfaces (environmentally stable)

(4) low infective dose

(5) long period of viral shedding


Onset after exposure: 24-48 hours (1-2 days)

Duration: 12 to 60 hours, longer in immunocompromised


Clinical features:

(1) nausea and vomiting

(2) abdominal cramps and/or pain

(3) diarrhea

(4) other symptoms may occur (fever, headache, other)


Groups at risk for more severe disease and complications:

(1) young or elderly (< 5 years or > 74)

(2) immunocompromised

(3) medical comorbidities


Exclusion of other causes for the gastroenteritis and molecular methods can aid in the diagnosis.

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