Human Parechovirus (HPeV) can cause a variety of infections, especially in infants.
Type of Virus: Picornaviridae of RNA viruses
HPeV Type 1 (HPeV1) was formerly classified as Echovirus Type 22.
HPeV Type 2 (HPeV2) was formerly classified as Echovirus Type 23.
Most infections are asymptomatic or unrecognized.
Clinical infections may include:
(1) infections of the central nervous system, including aseptic meningitis and encephalitis
(2) gastroenteritis
(3) respiratory infections (which may be associated with pulmonary edema and giant cells)
(4) neonatal sepsis-like disease
HPeV infections can be fatal. PCR for HPeV should be performed on samples of unexplained infant death, especially if preceded by a viral-like infection.
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