
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease affecting cervids (white tail deer, mule deer, elk) in North America. Humans who eat venison theoretically may become infected and develop a fatal encephalopathy. If it does occur then it is very rare.


The most likely exposure would be eating of venison from areas with known chronic wasting disease.


Clinical findings may include:

(1) seizures

(2) impaired memory (forgetfulness)

(3) tremors

(4) confusion

(5) ataxia

(6) myoclonic jerking

(7) dysarthria

(8) personality change

(9) progressive disability


Diagnosis of prion disease requires demonstration of prions by:

(1) Western blot

(2) immunohistochemistry

(3) genotyping


The differential diagnosis includes:

(1) other forms of prion disease

(2) other causes of dementia


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