
Schistosoma mekongi is a species of Schistosoma that resembles Schistosoma japonicum. The adult worms live in mesenteric veins.


Distribution: Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia along the Mekong river


Clinical findings during the acute phase:

(1) fever

(2) abdominal pain

(3) weight loss

(4) diarrhea


Clinical findings during the chronic phase:

(1) chronic abdominal pain

(2) chronic diarrhea

(3) hepatomegaly

(4) variable splenomegaly

(5) ascites

(6) invasion of the central nervous system


Laboratory findings:

(1) eosinophilia

(2) eggs in the stool or identified in intestinal biopsies

(3) positive serologic tests

(4) positive PCR


The eggs are relatively small and round with a small lateral spine. They do not appear in the stool until 4 to 6 weeks after infection. Multiple specimens may need to be examined.


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