A patient who has recovered from acute Q fever may have persistent symptoms, which constitutes the post-Q fever fatigue syndrome. Although the organism may be persistent, this is considered distinct from the different types of chronic infection.
Clinical features:
(1) constant or remittent fatigue
(2) inappropriate exhaustion after minimal exertion
(3) myalgia
(4) muscle fasciculations
(5) arthralgias
(6) night sweats
(7) severe headaches
(8) intolerance to bright lights
(9) intolerance to alcohol
(10) disordered sleep
(11) irritability
(12) loss of libido
(13) depression
(14) impaired mental concentration
(15) impaired short-term memory
(16) pain and/or swelling of superficial lymph nodes
Differential diagnosis - chronic Q fever with one of the following
(1) Q fever endocarditis
(2) Q fever hepatitis
(3) Q fever osteitis
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