
Trench fever occurs around the world, usually associated with poor living conditions. It got its name during World War I.


Synonym: Wolhynia fever, His-Werner disease, quintan fever


Organism: Bartonella quintana (formerly Rochalimaea quintana)


Clinical features:

(1) presence of the human body louse

(2) fever - persistent or intermittent (every 5 days = quintan), mild to severe

(3) headache

(4) nausea and vomiting

(5) dizziness

(6) lumbar muscle pain

(7) macular rash without eschar

(8) variable post-infectious debility


It can occur in epidemics, especially during war or natural disasters.


Laboratory findings:

(1) positive serology

(2) positive culture (blood agar incubated in CO2 incubated environment)


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