Sports affected include: football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, cross-country skiing, cross-country running, volleyball
Mechanism: hyperextension (excessive dorsiflexion) resulting in strain of the joint capsule at the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint
Risk factors:
(1) pivoting and pushing off with excessive force
(2) flexible footwear
(3) recurrent episodes of trauma
Clinical features affecting the base of the great toe:
(1) edema
(2) tenderness
(3) decreased range of motion
(4) pain in the toe on attempting to push off
(5) late effects include degenerative osteoarthritis and formation of osteophytes
(1) control of inflammation with icing and anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS)
(2) taping
(3) wearing of a more rigid shoe that limits excessive extension of the great toe