
Klement et al evaluated an outbreak of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Israeli soldiers. The authors are from the Israel Defense Force, Ben Gurion University, Hadassah-Hebrew University, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Medical Faculty of TUDresden.


Risk factors for Mycoplasma pneumoniae respiratory tract infection:

(1) outbreak

(2) smoker

(3) no or low levels of serum IgG anti-mycoplasma antibodies (indicating either no previous exposure or immunosuppression)


Clinical findings - common (present in > 50%):

(1) oral temperature >= 37.3°C

(2) fatigue

(3) headache

(4) cough, which may become chronic

(5) sputum production

(6) sore throat

(7) myalgias

(8) rhinorrhea


Clinical findings - less common:

(1) chest soreness

(2) eye irritation

(3) diarrhea

(4) post-tussive emesis


Laboratory findings:

(1) seroconversion in anti-mycoplasma antibodies

(2) reduced absolute lymphocyte count (< 1,600 per µL)

(3) positive culture and/or PCR for Mycoplasma

(4) exclusion of other causes (Legionella, Chlamydophila, bacteria, viruses)


Radiologic findings:

(1) pulmonary infiltrate if pneumonia develops


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