Chlamydia trachomatis of serovar L produce lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). This may present with different symptoms depending a person's sexual practices.
Systemic findings may include:
(1) fever
(2) generalized malaise
(3) weight loss
Urogenital findings in heterosexual and homosexual patients:
(1) genital ulcer
(2) genital abscess
(3) urethral discharge
(4) dysuria
(5) inguinal lymphadenopathy
Anorectal findings in practitioners of anal intercourse:
(1) rectal discharge
(2) rectal pain
(3) rectal bleeding
(4) tenesmus (straining at stool)
(5) constipation
LGV should be considered in a patient with several of these symptoms. Some patients may have mixed infections, so the investigation should not stop on identification of a single pathogen.
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