
A patient infected with poliomyelitis may present in a number of different ways.

Clinical Pattern



no clinical signs or symptoms; seroconversion or demonstration of virus


fever, headache, sore throat (viral type syndrome)

nonparalytic poliomyelitis

signs of meningeal irritation (headache, meningismus) without paralysis

spinal paralytic poliomyelitis, minor illness phase

similar to abortive pattern, followed several days later by major illness

spinal paralytic poliomyelitis, major illness phase

preceded by minor illness; fever, headache, vomiting, meningitis with stiff neck, myalgias, flaccid paralysis with an asymmetrical distribution

bulbar paralytic poliomyelitis

cranial nerve palsy with dysphagia and/or nasal speech; dyspnea; cardiorespiratory failure


confusion, decreased level of consciousness, seizures, spastic (not flaccid) paralysis



• The flaccid paralysis of spinal paralytic poliomyelitis involves the lower motor neurons. The spastic paralysis of polioencephalitis involves upper motor neurons.


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