This model predicts a comatose patient's likely outcome, based on pupillary light reflexes, age and the best score for the motor component of the Glasgow Coma Scale.
The outcome is read from one of three separate graphs, depending on the pupillary light reaction (present in both eyes, absent in one eye, absent in both eyes). The x-axis is the motor component of the Glasgow Coma Scale and the y-axis is the patient's age, with the outcomes shown as curves separating the area.
(1) good recovery
(2) moderate disability
(3) severe disability
(4) vegetative or dead
• patients with motor scores for the GCS of 6 were not included
• patients with motor scores for the GCS of 1 are not shown on the graphs; this is only an issue for when the papillary light response is present in both eyes, as a vegetative-death state can be inferred in the other 2 scenarios
Data Extraction from Graphs (page 383)
Pupillary light response present in both eyes
Motor Score |
veg/dead |
severe |
moderate |
good |
2 |
age >=17 |
14<=age<17 |
N/A |
age <14 |
3 |
age >=28 |
25<=age<28 |
N/A |
age <25 |
4 |
age >=43 |
41<=age<43 |
40<=age<41 |
age <40 |
5 |
age >=65 |
N/A |
50<=age<65 |
age <50 |
Pupillary light response absent in one eye
Motor Score |
veg/dead |
severe |
moderate |
good |
2 |
all |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
3 |
age >=3 |
age < 3 |
N/A |
N/A |
4 |
age >=18 |
12<=age<18 |
N/A |
age <12 |
5 |
age >=40 |
N/A |
32<=age<40 |
<32 |
Pupillary light response absent in both eyes
Motor Score |
veg/dead |
severe |
moderate |
good |
2 |
all |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
3 |
all |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
4 |
age >=2 |
age < 2 |
N/A |
N/A |
5 |
age >=19 |
N/A |
11<=age<19 |
age < 11 |
Purpose: To predict the outcome of a comatose patient based on clinical findings, using Choi's logistic model.
Specialty: Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation, Neurology
Objective: severity, prognosis, stage
ICD-10: R40.2,