Risk factors for complications:
(1) inexperienced surgeon
(2) more extensive or invasive surgery
(3) anticoagulation or hypocoagulable state
(4) complicated anatomy (congenital or associated with previous trauma or surgery)
(5) suboptimal care after the surgery
(1) hematoma at the operative site or into the scrotum (risk lower with no-scalpel vasectomy techniques)
(2) persistence of sperm in ejaculate (failed sterilization)
(3) postvasectomy pain
(4) infection associated with the operative site, which rarely may be serious
(5) sperm granuloma
(6) anti-sperm antibodies (may be associated with reduced fertility in men who undergo vasectomy reversal)
(7) fibrosis that may prevent vasectomy reversal
Rarely a surgeon with a persistent viral infection can infect a patient.