Some men will go to any length for penile enlargement. One path is to inject substances such as petroleum jelly (Vaseline) into the penis. As one might expect the outcome seldom matches expectations.
Practice: injection of petroleum jelly under the penile skin
(1) lipogranulomas with fibrosis (“vaselinoma”)
(2) cellulitis and/or abscess
(3) intra-vascular injection with thrombosis and/or embolism
(4) phimosis
(5) injury to the scrotum
(6) cutaneous necrosis
(7) pain
The risk increases if
(1) the person injecting the material is untrained
(2) nonsterile technique is used.
(3) a large amount of petroleum jelly is injected
The injection site often has to be excised and the site covered with a skin graft.
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