While conscious sedation is generally safe, occasionally serious complications may occur. Having the proper equipment, supplies and medications available can be lifesaving.
Airway and Oxygenation:
(1) suction source (portable unit, wall source)
(2) oxygen supply (portable tanks, wall source)
(3) nasal cannula
(4) Ambu bag and assorted masks
(5) airways, oral and nasal
(6) laryngoscopes with sufficient blades
(7) endotracheal tubes and stylet
Resuscitation Medications:
(1) atropine
(2) ephedrine
(3) epinephrine
(4) nitroglycerine
(5) phenylephrine
(1) continuous pulse oximeter
(2) continuous electrocardiograph
(3) blood pressure monitor
(4) temperature monitoring
(5) capnography (recommended)
Administration Materials:
(1) syringes and needles for injection
(2) intravenous access
(1) provision for summoning additional emergency help
(2) patient and room accessible to emergency personnel
Purpose: To make sure that adequate equipment and supplies to handle emergencies are available before conscious sedation is performed.
Specialty: Anesthesiology, Pedatrics, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, general
Objective: prevention
ICD-10: T88.5,