
Are you evaluating a potential candidate for liver transplantation?

Age of the patient


Does the patient have an unresectable or metastatic malignant neoplasm?

Does the patient have active HIV disease with low T lymphocyte counts?

Does the patient have active hepatitis B with either the e antigen or circulating DNA?

Does the patient have portal vein thrombosis?

Are the splenic and superior mesenteric veins sufficiently patent to provide adequate blood flow to the liver?

Is the patient an active alcoholic or illicit drug user?

Has the patient undergone rehabilitation so that now abstinent?

Does the patient have active sepsis or fungemia?

Can the infection be eradicated before the transplant surgery?

Does the patient have a history of complex hepatic or biliary tract surgery?

Does the transplant surgeon feel that there is a reasonable chance for successful surgery?

Is the patient in good physical health other than for the liver disease?

Does the patient have angina or severe coronary artery disease?

Does the patient have severe congestive heart failure?

Does the patient have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Does the patient have renal insufficiency?

Does the patient have a severe hematologic condition?

Serum sodium

Does the patient have sufficient economic resources for long term expenses required?

Does the patient have sufficient social support for the long term care involved?

Does the patient have a psychological condition which would seriously interfere with the ability to cope with the long term stress?


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