NOTE: The patients may undergo minor, superficial surgical procedures. However, even open liver biopsy may associated with increased complications in these patients.
Acute liver disease:
(1) acute viral hepatitis
(2) acute alcoholic hepatitis
(3) fulminant hepatic failure
(4) moderate to severe alcoholic or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (> 30% of hepatocytes contain fat)
Chronic liver disease:
(1) severe chronic hepatitis (especially with portal hypertension, impaired hepatic function, or hepatocellular necrosis)
(2) cirrhosis, Child's class C
Severe coagulopathy:
(1) platelet count < 50,000 per µL
(2) prothrombin time > 3 seconds beyond control despite vitamin K administration
Severe extrahepatic complications:
(1) hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 mm Hg)
(2) acute renal failure
(3) cardiomyopathy and/or heart failure