
The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) has listed criteria for asthma control based on the opinions of workshop participants. The contributors are from around the world.



(1) daytime symptoms

(2) disability (limitations of activities)

(3) nocturnal symptoms and/or awakenings

(4) need for rescue or reliever treatment

(5) lung function as measured by PEF or FEV1 if > 5 years of age

(6) exacerbations


Levels of asthma control:

(1) controlled

(2) partly controlled

(3) uncontrolled


The patient is controlled if the patient has all of the following:

(1) daytime symptoms 0 to 2 times in a week

(2) no limitations of activities

(3) no nocturnal symptoms or wakenings

(4) need for a rescue or reliever therapy 0 to 2 times in a week

(5) lung function 80 to 100% of personal best

(6) no exacerbations


The patient is uncontrolled if the patient has one or both of the following:

(1) 3 or more of the features associated with partial control

(2) an exacerbation in any week


Features of partial control:

(1) daytime symptoms more than twice in a week

(2) any limitations in activities

(3) any nocturnal symptoms or wakenings

(3) need for rescue or reliever therapy 3 or more times in a week

(4) lung function < 80% of personal best

(5) history of one or more exacerbations in past year (but not in past week)



• The criteria have not been validated.

• Lung function testing is unreliable in children <= 5 years of age.


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