(1) angle of incline in degrees
(2) grade of incline in percent
(3) sides of the triangle (horizontal, vertical, hypotenuse)
grade in percent =
= SIN(angle in degrees) * 100
angle in degrees =
= ARCSIN ((grade in percent) / 100)
SIN(angle in degrees) =
= (vertical rise in m) / (hypotenuse in m)
hypotenuse in m =
= SQRT (((horizontal distance in m)^2) + ((vertical distance in m)^2))
• Trigonometric functions in MS Excel require input in radians. Conversion between degrees and radians is done with the DEGREES and RADIANS functions.
For small angles (<= 6 degrees) the tangent for the angle approximates the sine fairly well.
tangent for angle =
= (vertical rise in meters) / (horizontal distance in meters))