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Solvents used in the laboratory can be recovered for reuse through distillation of the used solutions. This can reduce both the amount of hazardous waste generated by the laboratory and the operating expenses for the laboratory.


Cost for Solvent Without Recycling


reagent cost of new solvent per year =

= (liters of solvent used per year) * (reagent cost of solvent per liter)


cost of shipping and handling for new solvent per year =

= (liters of solvent used per year) * (cost to ship and handle per liter)


total cost of purchasing new solvent per year =

= (reagent cost of new solvent per year) + (cost of shipping and handling per year)


solvent disposal cost per year =

= (liters of solvent disposed of per year) * (cost per liter to dispose of solvent)



• The solvent volume disposed of per year is often less than the amount used due to evaporation and other factors.


total cost for solvent per year =

= (total cost to purchase new solvent per year) + (total cost to dispose of used solvent per year)


Cost for Operating Still


total cost for operating still per year =

= (labor cost to operate per year) + (maintenance cost per year) + (electricity costs per year) + (water costs per year)


Cost for Still Bottom Disposal


still bottom volume in liters =

= (liters of solvent used per year) * ((100 - (percent still recovery))/100)


cost of disposing of still bottom =

= (still bottom volume in liters) * (cost per liter to dispose of solvent)


cost of new solvent to be purchased =

= (total cost of purchasing new solvent per year) * ((100 - (percent still recovery))/100)


total cost of still bottom =

= (cost to dispose of still bottom contents) + (cost to purchase new solvent)


Capital Cost for Recycling


total capital cost for still =

= (cost for still) + (cost for installation materials) + (cost for installation labor)


Bottom Line for Recycling


total cost of recycling per year =

= (total cost to operate still per year) + (cost to dispose of still bottom per year) + (cost of any chemicals needed to reconstitute solvent per year)


annual operational savings from recycling =

= (total cost of solvent per year without recycling) - (total cost of recycling per year)


payback period in years to cover capital expense from operational savings =

= (total capital cost of still) / (annual operational savings from recycling)


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