A witness to a consent for treatment or action must meet certain requirements to be considered valid.
Requirements for witnesses:
(1) All witnesses must be competent adults.
(2) At least one of the witnesses must not be:
(2a) a person designated by the declarant to make a treatment decision.
(2b) a person related to the declarant by blood or marriage.
(2c) a person entitled to a part of the declarant's estate after the declarant's death.
(2d) a person who has a claim against any part of the declarant's estate after the declarant's death.
(2e) the attending physician or an employee of the attending physician.
(2f) an employee of a health care facility in which the declarant is a patient if the employee is providing direct patient care to the declarant, or an officer, director, partner or business office employee of the health care facility or any parent organization.
• I interpret the listing of exclusions to mean that at least one witness must not be any of person types listed.