Certain criteria can help to identify failure during therapy for an acute bacterial skin and skin structure infection (ABSSSI).
Patient selection: started appropriate therapy for an ABSSSI
Clinical failure - one or more of the following within 45 days (alternatively 30 days) of hospital discharge or completion of initial therapeutic protocol:
(1) treatment failure
(2) recurrence
(3) readmission for ABSSSI
Treatment failure - one or both of the following more than 5 days after starting therapy because of inadequate clinical response:
(1) change in antibiotic therapy because of poor clinical response or clinical progression
(2) unplanned drainage procedure
• "Change in antibiotic therapy" does not include (1) a change in route of administration (from intravenous to oral) or (2) change due to adverse drug effect (allergy, intolerance, etc).
Recurrence was defined as re-initiation of antibiotic therapy for skin infection after completion of the initial treatment course.
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