
Radiofrequency (RF) ablation can be used to treat some hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). The efficacy of the treatment can be gauged by following imaging studies.


Examination: CT or MRI


Timing: 4 weeks after the radiofrequency ablation


Complete ablation – both of the following:

(1) area of low attenuation on CT or low signal intensity on T2-weighted MRI (necrosis) that encompasses the entire area of ablation

(2) with no nodular peripheral tumor enhancement


Incomplete or partial ablation is any degree of necrosis that shows some effect of the therapy but that does not fulfull the criteria for complete ablation.


Failure of an area of necrosis to appear in the area of ablation would indicate ineffective ablation.


Local tumor progression – both of the following:

(1) appearance of a new enhancing tumor

(2) that is contiguous with a zone that has undergone complete ablation


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