
Armon et al listed criteria for observing or admitting a pediatric patient with diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis, with or without vomiting. Many patients can be successfully managed as an outpatient. The authors are from University of Nottingham, Pinderfields General Hospital and Maudsley Hospital in England.


Patient selection: pediatric patient with gastroenteritis

Patient Status

Management Strategy

severe dehydration


mild to moderate dehydration, routine

observe for 6-8 hours, includes rehydration and confirmation that stable

mild to moderate dehydration, complex clinical or social issues


high risk of deterioration

observe for 4-8 hours



• Social issues include inability of the caregivers to successfully manage the child at home or to be able to bring the patient back in a timely fashion.

• A complex clinical issue includes comorbidities and uncertainty about the diagnosis, especially if the cause may require surgery.

• A high risk of deterioration includes infant < 6 months old, frequent watery stools (> 8 per day) or high volume, frequent vomiting (> 4 episodes per day)


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