
Patients with synovial sarcoma can be separated into low and high risk prognostic groups based on parameters identified on multivariate analysis. The study was done at orthopedic referral hospitals in Gothenburg, Sweden and Bologna, Italy.


Parameters associated with mortality rate:

(1) age

(2) size of tumor

(3) presence of poorly differentiated areas


Low Risk Group

High Risk Group


< 25 years old

>= 25 years

size of tumor

< 5 cm

>= 5cm

presence of poorly differentiated areas




NOTE: In the article both groups "AND" the 3 parameters. Since not all patients would fit into these 2 groups precisely, there is either (a) an intermediate risk group, or (b) the high risk group should use "OR". Based on Table 2 page 2604 my guess is that there is an intermediate risk group.


Risk Group

Percent with Metastasis

Overall Disease Free Survival

Low Risk



High Risk




Types of poorly differentiated tumors:

(1) primitive, small cell type, resembling Ewing's sarcoma

(2) larger cell type with plump, spindled-to-rounded tumor cells with features intermediate between fibroblast-like and epithelioid cells of classical biphasic synovial sarcoma

(3) spindle cell of fascicular type with frequent necrosis, resembling a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor


Features of poorly differentiated tumors:

(1) high grade appearance

(2) high mitotic activity

(3) nuclear atypia (irregularly dispersed chromatin and conspicuous nucleoli)


Local recurrence was associated with a 3.66 fold increase in tumor-related death.


Risk factors for local recurrence:

(1) larger size

(2) primary treatment not at a referral center, usually with inadequate primary surgery


Risk factors for metastasis:

(1) older age

(2) presence of poorly differentiated areas

(3) presence of necrosis


Location of the tumor did not correlate with either local control or survival. The authors felt that the favorable outcome associated with distal tumors in other studies was probably related to smaller size and/or the ability to achieve adequate surgical margins.


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