Colmenero et al listed criteria for the diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis in a patient with brucellosis. The authors are from Carlos Haya University Hospital in Malaga, Spain.
Criteria for the diagnosis of vertebral osteomyelitis due to brucellosis:
(1) diagnosis of brucellosis - one or both of the following:
(1a) positive blood or other culture for Brucella species
(1b) clinical findings compatible with brucellosis AND serologic evidence of antibrucella antibodies (significant titer with seroconversion or rise in titers)
(2) spinal pain - one or both of the following:
(2a) pain unrelieved by rest
(2b) pain or tenderness on physical examination with fever
(3) MRI changes compatible with vertebral osteomyelitis (see above)
Additional feature:
(1) growth of Brucella species on needle aspirate or biopsy from a focus of vertebral osteomyelitis.
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