
A squamous cell carcinoma arising in the large bowel is an uncommon tumor. Cooper listed the conditions to exclude before the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the colon or rectum can be made with confidence..


Patient selection: squamous cell carcinoma



(1) absence of glandular differentiation (exclude squamous metaplasia of a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma)

(2) absence of continuity with anal mucosa (exclude extension from a squamous cell carcinoma of the anus)

(3) exclusion of the tumor arising in an intestinal fistula lined by squamous epithelium

(4) exclusion of metastasis from a squamous cell carcinoma elsewhere (especially cervix in the female)


Patients with a true squamous cell carcinoma often give a history of:

(1) radiation therapy

(2) ulcerative colitis

(3) schistosomiasis

(4) congenital malformations (with embryonic rests)


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