Clinical findings common in heavy users of anabolic steroids:
(1) The person takes greater amounts of anabolic steroids than intended.
(2) The person desires to cut down on the intake of anabolic steroids, but is unable to do so.
(3) The person spends a large amount of time on drug-related activities (obtaining, injecting, other)
(4) The person experiences frequent symptoms from use or withdrawal that interfere with normal functioning or that occur in potentially hazardous situations.
(5) Anabolic steroid use replaces social, leisure and work activities.
(6) Anabolic steroids are used despite causing problems or making problems worse.
(7) The person must take ever increasing doses as tolerance develops.
(8) The person experiences withdrawal symptoms if anabolic steroids are discontinued.
(9) The person takes anabolic steroids to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms.