
Ferrara et al proposed criteria for identifying a patient with acute myeloid leukemia who was unfit for nonintensive chemotherapy. The authors are from multiple institutions in Italy.

Patient selection: acute myeloid leukemia


Criteria for unfitness to receive nonintensive chemotherapy - one or more of the following:

(1) refractory congestive heart failure

(2) pulmonary disease with DLco <= 65% or FEV1<= 65% of predicted

(3) dyspnea at rest

(4) need for supplemental oxygen

(5) pleural neoplasm or uncontrolled lung neoplasm

(6) acute viral hepatitis

(7) cirrhosis at Child B or C

(8) active infection resistant to anti-infective therapy

(9) current mential illness requiring psychiatric hospitalization, institutionalization or intensive outpatient care

(10) cognitive impairment with dependence not controlled by the caregiver

(11) uncontrolled neoplasia

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