
LeRoy and Medsger proposed criteria for the classification of cutaneous forms of systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). The authors are from the Medical University of South Carolina and the University of Pittsburgh.

Patient selection: The patient must meet the criteria for limited scleroderma (previous section).


Criteria for diffuse cutaneous scleroderma (dcSSc) - involvement of any of the following:

(1) upper arm (proximal to elbow)

(2) chest

(3) abdomen

(4) back

(5) thigh (proximal to knee)


Criteria for limited cutaneous scleroderma (lcSSc) - both of the following:

(1) absence of involvement in sites affected by diffuse cutaneous scleroderma

(2) involvement of any of the following:

(2a) fingers

(2b) hands

(2c) forearm (distal to elbow)

(2d) lower leg (distal to knee)

(2e) feet

(2f) toes

(2g) neck (above the clavicles)

(2h) face


Limited cutaneous scleroderma is considered synonymous with the CREST syndrome, named for:

(1) calcinosis (C) - seen typically on the fingertips

(2) Raynaud's phenomenon (R)

(3) esophageal involvement (E)

(4) scleroderma (S)

(5) telangiectasia (T)


lcSSc may overlap with other diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Type I.

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