Patient selection: patient with lung cancer following radiation therapy
Criteria for local-regional failure – one or more of the following:
(1) enlargement of the tumor
(1a) If the tumor is measurable, then a > 25% increase in the product of two dimensions (length vs width) compared to pretreatment product.
(1b) If the tumor is unmeasurable, then an estimated increase of tumor bulk > 25%.
(2) development of tumor-related regional complications (hemoptysis, pneumonia secondary to bronchial obstruction, etc) unrelated to complications of therapy or to intercurrent disease
(3) appearance of a new malignant lung tumor within or at the edge of the radiation field
(4) presence of viable tumor in a biopsy taken from within the treatment field after radiation therapy completed
• A malignant pleural or pericardial effusion was defined as a distant metastasis.
• A metastasis to a supraclavicular lymph node was considered local-regional if the supraclavicular fossa was included in the radiation field.