
McGeer et al developed criteria to identify pneumonia or other lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis or tracheobronchitis) in a patient at a long term care facility.

Criteria for pneumonia – all of the following:

(1) chest radiograph demonstrating an infiltrate or pneumonia. If a previous radiograph is available, the current infiltrate should be new.

(2) 2 or more of the signs and symptoms associated with lower respiratory tract infections (below)

(3) exclusion of other causes that could explain these findings


Criteria for "other" lower respiratory tract infection – 3 or more of the following in the absence of radiographic evidence of pneumonia:

(1) new or increased cough

(2) new or increased sputum production

(3) fever with temperature >= 38°C

(4) pleuritic chest pain

(5) new or increased physical findings on chest examination (rales, rhonchi, wheezing, bronchial breathing)

(6) at least one of the following:

(a) new or increased shortness of breath

(b) respiratory rate > 25 breaths per minute

(c) worsening mental or cognitive status

(d) worsening functional status (deterioration in the patient's ability to carry out activities of daily living)

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