Pausawasdi et al reported criteria for success in placing an endobiliary stent in a patient with malignant biliary obstruction. This consists of relieving the obstruction to bile release and reducing the serum total bilirubin levels. The authors are from Siriraj Hospital and Mahidol University in Bangkok.
Patient selection: malignant obstruction of bile duct
Criteria for successful endobiliary stent placement:
(1) a decrease in the serum total bilirubin concentration >= 50% within 2 weeks of stent placement
(2) normalization of the serum total bilirubin (serum concentration < 1.2 mg/dL) within 6 weeks of stent placement
Normalization of the serum total bilirubin concentration is important for resolving symptoms associated with hyperbilirubinemia such as pruritis, malaise, anorexia, and weight loss.
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