(1) one or both of the following:
(1a) fever
(1b) clinical evidence of infection
(2) one or more of the following:
(2a) hypotension, including new onset of orthostatic hypotension
(2b) altered mental status
(2c) new need for positive pressure ventilation
(2d) serum lactate >= 4 mmol/L
(2e) acute kidney injury
(2f) DIC or new onset of thrombocytopenia
(2g) new hepatic dysfunction
(2h) need for resuscitation
(2g) immunosuppression, immunodeficiency, immunocompromised
(2h) abnormally prolonged capillary refill time
(2i) weak peripheral pulse
(2j) purpura or petechiae
(2k) erythroderma
(2l) central venous catheter
• Several of the criteria may indicate organ dysfunction or failure.