
Treasure reported criteria for evaluating a hospitalized patient with anorexia nervosa. Several of the parameters overlap with PREDIX.

Patient selection: hospitalized patient with anorexia nervosa.



(1) body mass index (BMI) in kg per sq m)

(2) rate of weight loss in kg per week

(3) skin breakdown

(4) purpuric rash

(5) systolic blood pressure in mm Hg

(6) diastolic blood pressure in mm Hg

(7) postural drop in systolic pressure in mm Hg (from sitting to standing)

(8) pulse rate in beats per minute

(9) squat test and sit up test

(10) temperature in °C

(11) white blood cell count in 10^9/L

(12) absolute neutrophil count in 10^9/L

(13) hemoglobin in g/dL

(14) acute hemoglobin drop

(15) platelet count in 10^9/L

(16) serum potassium in mmol/L

(17) serum sodium in mmol/L

(18) serum magnesium in mmol/L

(19) serum phosphate in mmol/L

(20) blood urea in mmol/L

(21) serum total bilirubin in µmol/L

(22) serum alkaline phosphatase

(23) serum AST in IU/L

(24) serum ALT in IU/L

(25) serum GGT in IU/L

(26) serum albumin in g/L

(27) serum creatinine kinase in IU/L

(28) blood glucose in mmol/L

(29) QTc interval in milliseconds

(30) cardiac arrhythmia






12 to 13.9

< 12

rate of weight loss

0.51 to 1 kg/wk

> 1 kg/wk

skin breakdown

1-2 mm

> 2 mm

purpuric rash



systolic blood pressure

80 to 89

< 80

diastolic blood pressure

60 to 69

< 60

postural drop in blood pressure

11 to 20

> 20

pulse rate

40 to 49

< 40

squat test

unable to get up without using arms for balance

unable to get up without using arms for leverage

site test

unable to sit up without using arms for leverage

unable to sit up at all


34.5 to 34.9°C

< 34.5°C

WBC count

2 to 3.9

< 2

absolute neutrophil count

1 to 1.4

< 1


9 to 10.9

< 9

acute drop in hemoglobin



platelet count

110 to 129

< 110

serum potassium

3.0 to 3.4

< 3.0

serum sodium

130 to 134

< 130

serum magnesium

0.5 to 0.7

< 0.5

serum phosphate

0.5 to 0.8

< 0.5

blood urea

7.1 to 10

> 10

total bilirubin

20.1 to 40

> 40

serum alkaline phosphatase

111 to 200

> 200

serum AST

41 to 80

> 80

serum ALT

46 to 90

> 90

serum GGT

46 to 90

> 90

serum albumin

32 to 34

< 32

serum CK

171 to 250

> 250

blood glucose

2.5 to 3.4

< 2.5

QTc interval


> 450 ms

cardiac arrhythmias




total number of concern findings =

= SUM(number of concern findings)


total number of alert findings =

= SUM(number of alert findings)



minimum number of concern findings: 0

maximum number of concern findings: 30

minimum number of alert findings: 0

maximum number of alert findings: 30


Additional tests to consider

(1) thyroid function tests

(2) erythrocyte sedimentation rate

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