Skin lesions:
(1) occur in immunosuppressed patients, including AIDS patients not taking highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
(2) may precede other manifestations of disseminated by weeks or months
(3) are more common on the head and neck
(4) are associated with a poor prognosis
Types of skin lesions:
(1) papules
(2) umbilicated papules (molluscum-like)
(3) pustules
(4) verrucuous nodules
(5) subcutaneous nodules that may ulcerate
(6) indurated plaques
(7) sinus tract
(8) cellulitis
(9) Kaposi sarcoma-like lesions
(10) mucosal ulcerations (oral or genital)
Histologic findings is usually one of the following:
(1) granulomatous pattern: with small number of organisms if the host immunity is better
(2) gelatinous pattern: with large numbers of organisms and poor host response