
Cytochrome oxidase is an enzyme in aerobic respiration with hydrogen and oxygen used to form water. It is a hemoprotein with iron.

Organisms negative cytochrome oxidase:

(1) Enterobacteriaceae

(2) obligate anaerobes


Many other organisms produce oxide.


Reagents used for detection:

(1) Kovac's reagent (tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride)

(2) Gordon and MacLeod's reagent (dimethyl-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride)


Reagent may be added to agar media or applied to a colony by filter paper.


The reagents are colorless until they receive electrons via cytochrome oxidase. A positive reaction is a deep blue color that appears quickly.


Causes of a false positive reaction:

(1) stainless steel or nichrome wire inoculation loops (after flame sterilization)

(2) mixed isolate


Causes of a false negative reaction:

(1) breakdown of the reagent

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