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Are you evaluating a person who works in a radiology department of a hospital?

Are all or most X-rays digital?

Does the patient have?

• wheezing, cough, chest tightness and other respiratory findings of occupational asthma?

• complain of irritation of the upper respiratory tract?

• complain of eye irritation?

• have abnormal tiredness or fatigue?

• have frequent headache?

Does/Is the worker?

• spend several hours in an X-ray chemical developer room per week?

• exposed to leaking X-ray development processor or chemical spills?

• work in a developer room with poor ventilation?

• work in a developer room with mold contamination?

• have a chemical allergy?

• under a lot of stress?

• have a latex allergy?

Is there a diagnosis that can explain the findings better than darkroom disease?


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