
Prevoo et al originally developed a disease activity score (DAS) for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) based on assessment of 28 joints. This can be adapted to use C-reactive protein (CRP) as a measure of the acute phase reactants in the place of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).



(1) total 28 joint count for tenderness

(2) total 28 joint count for swelling

(3) C-reactive protein (CRP) in mg/L

(4) patient assessment of global health (GH) using a 100 mm VAS ranging from 0 (very good) to 100 (very poor)


28 joint counts:

(1) shoulders (2)

(2) elbows (2)

(3) wrists (2)

(4) MCP for 4 fingers (8)

(5) MCP thumb (2)

(6) PIP for 4 fingers and thumb (10)

(7) knees (2)


disease activity score using 4 variables =

= (0.56 * SQRT(28 joint tenderness count)) + (0.28 * SQRT(28 joint swelling count)) + (0.36 * LN(CRP + 1)) + (0.014 * (global health)) + 0.96


disease activity score using 3 variables =

= (1.1 * ((0.56 * SQRT(28 joint tenderness count)) + (0.28 * SQRT(28 joint swelling count)) + (0.36 * LN(CRP + 1)))) + 1.15



• The addition of 1 in CRP + 1 prevents LN(0).



• minimum score: 0.96 for the 4 variable version and 1.15 for the 3 variable version

• maximum score: around 8.5 for the 4 variable equation and around 7.9 for the 3 variable version

• The higher the DAS28 CRP the higher the disease activity.


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