
The coagulation factors differ in the minimum quantity needed for hemostasis.

Coagulation Factor

Minimum Hemostasis

Need in Major Surgery


Factor 1

50 - 100 mg/dL

> 100 mg/dL

3 - 6 day

Factor 2

10 - 20%

30 - 40%

50 - 80 hours

Factor 5

5 - 15%


4.5 - 36 hours

Factor 7

5 - 10%

10 - 20%

2 - 5 hours

Factor 8-AHF

1 - 5%

50 - 60%

8 - 12 hours

Factor 8-VWR



24 hours

Factor 9

10 - 20%

50 - 60%

18 - 24 hours

Factor 10

5 - 10%

15 - 20%

20 - 42 hours

Factor 11

10 - 15%

15 - 30%

40 - 80 hours

Factor 12

< 10%


50 hours

Factor 13



7 - 14 days


1 unit of a coagulation factor is the factor activity present in 1 mL of normal male plasma; this is considered 100% of normal activity. Plasma levels also may be given in units per dL, with 100 units/dL equivalent to 1 unit/mL

Fibrinogen half-life is markedly reduced in fibrinolytic states.

Treatment of von Willebrand's disease requires replacement of both Factor 8-AHF (procoagulant) and Factor 8-VWF. Factor 8 concentrates supply the former but not the latter, so that cryoprecipitate is the product of choice in replacement therapy.

Usually factor 12 deficiency does not require replacement therapy.


Factor Content of Plasma Products






250 mL

20 mL

Factor 1 content

500 mg

200 mg

Factor 2 content

225 U


Factor 5 content

225 U


Factor 7 content

225 U


Factor 8-AHF content

225 U

90 U

Factor 8-VWF content

225 U

90 U

Factor 9 content

225 U


Factor 10 content

225 U


Factor 11 content

225 U


Factor 12 content

225 U


Factor 13 content

225 U

90 U



• "U" indicates "unit of activity", as described above


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