
Clark et al described the criteria for the idiopathic pneumonia syndrome (IPS) at an NIH conference in 1993. This describes a form of acute lung injury that is relatively common in bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients.


The Idiopathic Pneumonia Syndrome is a clinical syndrome that may be associated with a spectrum of histopathologic processes (diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline membranes, bronchiolitis obliterans, interstitial pneumonitis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, delayed pulmonary toxicity syndrome, noncardiogenic capillary leak syndrome).


Patient selection: bone marrow or stem cell transplantation


Primary feature is evidence of diffuse lung injury:

(1) multilobar infiltrates on imaging studies

(2) signs and symptoms of pneumonia, including cough, rales, and dyspnea

(3) abnormal pulmonary physiology - one or both of the following:

(3a) increased alveolar to arterial oxygen gradient

(3b) new or increased restrictive lung findings


No evidence of the following (exclusions):

(1) lower respiratory tract infection

(1a) failure to improve after therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics

(1b) cultures from broncho-alveolar lavage are negative for bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens

(1c) lung biopsy negative for infectious agents

(1d) ideally a second evaluation conducted 2 to 14 days after the initial evaluation is negative for infectious agents

(2) cardiogenic cause


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