Goldberg et al developed a scale to screen for depression in a general medical practice. The authors are from the University of Manchester in England and the Social Psychiatry Research Unit in Canberra, Australia.
Initial questions:
(1) Have you had low energy?
(2) Have you had loss of interests?
(3) Have you lost confidence in yourself?
(4) Have you felt hopeless?
Response |
Points |
no |
0 |
yes |
1 |
initial score =
= SUM(points for the first 4 questions)
If the initial score is >= 1, then 5 additional questions are asked.
Additional questions:
(5) Have you had difficulty concentrating?
(6) Have you lost weight due to a loss in appetite?
(7) Have you been waking early?
(8) Have you felt slowed up?
(9) Have you tended to feel worse in the mornings?
Response |
Points |
no |
0 |
yes |
1 |
final score =
= SUM(points for all 9 questions)
• minimum score: 0
• maximum final score: 9
• A patient with a final score of 2 has a 50% chance of having clinical depression. The chances increase sharply as the final score increases.
Purpose: To screen a patient for depression using the Depression Scale of Goldberg et al.
Specialty: Psychiatry
Objective: severity, prognosis, stage
ICD-10: F31, F32, F33, F34, F38,