Erectile and other sexual dysfunctions are common in diabetic males. Sexual dysfunction in this population is often multifactorial. Solving the problem requires identifying and treating each of the contributing factors.
Erectile dysfunction in diabetic males tends to be more common:
(1) with increasing age
(2) with the longer that the patient has diabetes
(3) with poor metabolic control
(4) with Type 2 diabetes
Contributing factors:
(1) peripheral neuropathy
(2) autonomic neuropathy
(3) atherosclerosis
(4) arterial microangiopathy
(5) corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction
(6) chronic renal insufficiency
(7) drug-related
(8) depression and/or anxiety
(9) factors precipitating the diabetes (alcohol abuse, obesity, etc)
(10) smooth muscle dysfunction
(11) reduced serum testosterone levels
Diabetics may not have as good a response to sildenafil or other PDE-5 inhibitors as is seen in other populations.
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