
The diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection by a non-LGV strain of Chlamydia trachomatis can be made based on clinical and laboratory findings.


Definitive diagnosis: requires one of the following conditions

(1) isolation and confirmed identification of C. trachomatis in tissue culture from exudate (cervical, rectal, urethral) and identification of characteristic intracellular inclusions

(2) identification of C. trachomatis by one of the following methods AND confirmation by culture or a second nonculture test method

(2a) identification of organism by DFA test on exudate

(2b) detection of antigen by EIA of exudate

(2c) detection of nucleic acid by DNA probe or DNA amplification technique


Presumptive diagnosis - requires both conditions:

(1) presence of clinical symptoms (mucopurulent cervicitis, urethritis, epididymitis, pelvic inflammatory disease)

(2) detection of C. trachomatis by a nonculture test


Suggestive: requires 1 AND 2, or 1 AND 3, or 1 AND 4:

(1) clinical symptoms (mucopurulent cervicitis, urethritis, epididymitis, pelvic inflammatory disease)

(2) exclusion of other causes of discharge or exudate (gonorrhea, etc.)

(3) sexual exposure to a person infected with C. trachomatis

(4) sexual exposure to a person recently diagnosed with nongonoccal urethritis, mucopurulent cervicitis, or PID


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