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The Behcet’s Disease Research Committee of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan first published diagnostic criteria for Behcet’s disease in 1972, with a subsequent updated version.

Major criteria:

(1) recurrent oral aphthous ulcers

(2) genital ulcers

(3) ocular disease

(3a) iridocyclitis, typically with hypopyon

(3b) chorioretinitis

(4) skin lesions

(4a) erythema nodosum-like lesions

(4b) acneiform lesions

(4c) folliculitis

(4d) thrombophlebitis

(4e) cutaneous hypersensitivity


Minor criteria:

(1) arthritis

(2) epididymitis

(3) intestinal symptoms attributed to multiple ulcers in the ileocecal region

(4) neurologic symptoms attributed to nervous system lesions

(5) vascular symptoms (obliterative thrombophlebitis, arterial occlusion, aneurysm)


Diagnosis of the complete type:

(1) The presence of all 4 major criteria simultaneously or at different times during the course of the disease.


Diagnosis of the incomplete type - one or both of the following:

(1) Ocular disease criteria plus 1 other major criterion either simultaneously or at different times during the clinical course.

(2) Ocular disease plus 2 minor criteria either simultaneously or at different times during the clinical course.


Performance (according to International Study Group, 1990)

• The sensitivity ranges from 92-94% and specificity 89-93%.

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