Levenson reported criteria for making the diagnosis of the neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS). The author is from Medical College of Virginia in Richmond.
Major criteria:
(1) fever (>= 99°F or 37.2°C)
(2) muscular rigidity
(3) elevated serum CK (>= 250 IU/L but upper limit of normal not indicated)
Minor criteria:
(1) tachycardia (>= 100 beats per minute)
(2) abnormal blood pressure (labile or hypertension)
(3) tachypnea (>= 20 breaths per minute)
(4) altered consciousness
(5) sweating (diaphoresis)
(6) leukocytosis (>= 11,000 per µL)
High probability of NMS - one of the following plus exclusion of other causes
(1) all 3 major criteria
(2) 2 of the major criteria AND 4 or more of the minor criteria
Probable NMS (after Guerrera et al) - one of the following plus exclusion of other causes:
(1) 2 of the major criteria AND 2 or 3 of the minor criteria
(2) 1 of the major criteria AND 4 or more of the minor criteria
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