
A number of conditions may present as a life-threatening illness with muscular rigidity and altered mental status.


Neuropsychiatric conditions:

(1) lethal catatonia (malignant catatonia)

(2) neuroleptic malignant syndrome

(3) serotonin syndrome


Endocrine disorders:

(1) thyroid storm


Metabolic conditions:

(1) severe hypocalcemia

(2) severe hypoglycemia

(3) heatstroke


Drug or toxin related:

(1) drug or ethanol withdrawal

(2) anticholinergic overdose

(3) sympathomimetic overdose

(4) malignant hyperthermia


Infectious diseases:

(1) rabies

(2) tetanus

(3) central nervous system infection



(1) dystonia

(2) central nervous system hemorrhage


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