Differential diagnosis of encrusted uropathy includes:
(1) lithiasis (bladder, in a urachal cyst, pyelocaliceal)
(2) infection
(2a) schistosomiasis
(2b) tuberculosis
(2c) echinococcosis/hydatid disease
(2d) severe infectious cystitis
(3) encrusted foreign body
(4) amyloidosis with submucosal calcifications
(5) calcified tumor
(6) old hematoma
(7) hemangioma
(8) prior radiation therapy
(9) following cancer therapies (cyclophosphamide, infusion of mitomycin C or BCG)
(10) malakoplakia
(11) Stevens-Johnson syndrome
(12) calcified diverticulum
(13) argyrosis (silver deposition)
(14) calcification of ischemic renal papilla
(15) osseocartilaginous metaplasia
• Some of these conditions also predispose to encrusted uropathy and serve as foci for deposits.