
Generalized cicatrizing conjunctivitis can be caused by a number of conditions.

The patient develops a diffuse conjunctivitis with scarring that results in

(1) entropion

(2) eyelid shortening

(3) dry eye from loss of goblet cells


Differential diagnosis of generalized cicatrizing conjunctivitis:

(1) idiopathic ocular cicatricial pemphigoid (OCP)

(2) paraneoplastic syndromes

(2a) anti-epiligrin cicatricial pemphigoid (AECP, paraneoplastic OCP)

(2b) paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP)

(2c) paraneoplastic lichen planus

(3) bullous pemphigoid

(4) sarcoidosis

(5) Wegener's granulomatosis

(6) chemical exposure

(7) iatrogenic from topical ocular medications

(8) chronic eye infection

(9) pagetoid conjunctival intraepithelial sebaceous carcinoma

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