
Radiation to the pelvis may be complicated by radiation injury to the anus and/or rectum. This needs to be distinguished from other conditions. Proper managment depends on identifying the underlying causes.


Infectious conditions in the differential diagnosis:

(1) cytomegalovirus (CMV)

(2) Herpes Simplex virus (HSV)

(3) bacterial cellulitis

(4) dermatophyte

(5) Candida

(6) tuberculosis


Malignant conditions in the differential diagnosis:

(1) recurrent tumor

(2) malignant lymphoma

(3) de novo tumor


Other conditions in the differential diagnosis:

(1) Crohn's disease

(2) ischemic colitis

(3) allergy


A patient may have one or more of the above conditions together with radiation anoproctitis.


Reasons to suspect an alternative diagnosis:

(1) appearance of lesion outside of radiation field

(2) rapid spread

(3) appearance of lesions new or not typical for radiation injury

(4) immunosuppression

(5) evidence of a disease elsewhere


The diagnosis may require imaging studies, endoscopy, biopsy and microbiology testing.


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